The Challenge

Commercial and medical teams are struggling to adapt to a rapidly changing model
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The Assumed Solution

Build skills and train your people.
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The Actual Solution

Develop entrepreneurial mindsets and behaviours, allowing your people to rapidly grow and improve performance.

What is E3

A system to identify entrepreneurial excellence in commercial and medical teams, whether customer facing or otherwise, allowing you to better invest in and develop key mindsets for success and growth.

Our E3 system will evaluate and monitor employees’ mindsets for customer experience excellence. We’ll make high-priority recommendations that are designed to accelerate employee growth, allowing you to capitalise on new insights and redefine business performance now and into the future.

E3 allows you to invest strategically in your people. Entrepreneurs consistently meet and exceed their performance targets; it’s time to unleash potential through E3 and see a true ROI from your commercial and medical teams.

Start your E3 journey

Book a demo to learn more about the E3 system, or book a free trial to see real-world results from your team.

How E3 works

Our unique E3 system is backed by years of research in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries.

  • Goal Alignment
  • Comprehensive Evaluation
  • Organisational Reports
  • Individual Reports
  • Mindset & Behaviour Development
  • Re-evaluation
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Aligning E3 with your organisational goals/vision.

In order to make the most out of E3, it’s essential that we align your goals and vision with our E3 system.

This allows us to deliver results tailored to your unique needs.

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Our revolutionary evaluation of 14 key behaviours and mindsets.

Each individual completes a robust online evaluation. This measures their levels of entrepreneurialism based on 14 key behaviours and mindsets that our research has deemed essential to ongoing individual & team success now and into the future.

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Detailed data collation and reporting.

Following the evaluation, you will receive an organisation-spanning report that covers areas of strength and growth opportunities.

We will deliver an E3 action plan that is fully aligned with your goals, providing you with key next steps to take based on E3 outputs. 

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Each individual receives their custom report.

This provides the individual with insights into their overall E3 score, and key recommendations on how they can boost both mindset and ongoing performance. 

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Your organisation engages with internal resources/assets to develop mindsets and behaviours.

In this period, which typically lasts around six months, your people/teams have the opportunity to develop their behaviours or kick-start their development, using internal or external support, including resources from our E3 Academy.  

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Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Re-evaluation is critical. Any development change is measured, and new recommendations are made ready for the next six months. 

This ongoing process provides you with full visibility on employee progress, identifying individuals who have reshaped their behaviours (and those who haven’t!). 

Continually redefine performance by embedding the E3 system as a part of your yearly mindset and development review.

Start your E3 journey

Book a demo to learn more, or book a free trial to see real-world results from your team.

The outcomes of our E3 system

Higher E3 scores correlate with better performance and therefore can be directly linked to tangible commercial benefits.

We allow organisations, teams and individuals to:

  • Increase sales-icn

    Increase sales and market share

  • future-fit-icn

    Transform Your Customers’ Experience

  • Accelerate talent-icn

    Accelerate Talent Lifecycle


Increase sales and market share

Very few people are naturally entrepreneurial. By identifying the right mindset potential of your employees, you’re able to rapidly develop desirable behaviours, boosting sales and market share performance.

This ensures you’re leading the charge in the market. 


Transform Your Customers’ Experience

Customer experience excellence is the ‘holy grail’. Whatever the starting point of your people, we help you discover the priority behaviours and mindsets required to ignite and inspire true customer excellence.

This could be the difference your customers are looking for.  


Accelerate Talent Lifecycle

Talent identification and development are critical to future success. Find the key behaviours that your top performers are exhibiting and prioritise these for internal talent development and external talent recruitment. 

Make informed decisions rather than fumbling around in the dark!

Our clients include


 "I built a new large cross-functional account team using E3. It ensured I had the mindset and behaviours in the team for success now and into the future."

Senior Business Unit Director, Top 10 Pharma 

"There’s a huge pressure to ensure our people are delivering. But in reality, we have continued to focus on developing the same skills and expected different results. We realised that behaviours needed to change, and E3 allowed us to do exactly that."

Senior Business Unit Leader, Top 10 Pharma 

Using E3 provided me with feedback and perspectives that I had never considered in the past, allowing me to challenge my thinking as to how I could optimise the development of my team. Highly recommended! 

Commercial Leader, Top 10 Pharma

Shape your future success

Customer experience is the future of the pharmaceutical and life sciences commercial model. We’re here to equip you with the insight you need to dramatically boost commercial and medical teams’ performance.

Whether you’ve got questions about E3, or you’re ready to get started, our experts are here to help. Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as quickly as possible.

+44 1784 618799